Friday, December 31, 2010


Audrey Ann-Marie

Our little miracle!

Born December 28, 2010 at 5:30pm.

Weighing 7 pounds, 12 ounces.

Measuring 20 inches long.



Friday, December 17, 2010

The Nursery

We still have a few things to hang on the walls, but the nursery is just about done and it's so so cute! The room is pretty small and it was hard to get pictures that actually do it justice, so you'll just have to use your imagination, and imagine it 100 times cuter than it seems! :)

The before pictures are after we moved the office furniture out.

 This is the wall you look at when you walk into the room.
 We have some cute ladybugs that are going to hang on the wall above the dresser here.

 Two windows to your left as you walk into the room.

 Wall opposite the dresser. The door to the room leads out into the kitchen.
 Once we name her, we're going to hang wooden letters spelling out her name over the crib.

 The wall on your right as you walk into the room has the closet,
 and a little nook area.
 The changing table and hamper fit perfectly into the nook.



We rent so we can't paint the walls, but I think the dark furniture ans all the pink and brown really makes the room look cute! What do you think?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

37 weeks

Well, since I've been so bad at documenting my pregnancy here on my blog and I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow, it's probably time for an update!
  • I had a wonderfully beautiful baby shower the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I have some pictures, so I'll save the details for that post...whenever I get around to it.
  • The nursery is just about done and is so so cute! I want to do a separate post with before and after pictures of the room, so I'll save that for another day too.
  • I'm still working(!) and plan to keep working right up until the 31st as long as I don't go into labor before then. I'm definitely ready to be done working, but I want as much time with my little girl as I can get when she arrives.
  • I'm tired all the time and my back is really starting to bother me quite a bit, but other than that I can't really complain. It's just difficult for me to get comfortable and stay comfortable.
  • I just went to the doctor on Monday and baby girl hasn't made any progress yet. I've gained 27 pounds so far and it feels like every ounce is in my belly.
  • Despite how huge I feel, everyone else seems to think I look small.
  • I'm so sick of repeating this a million times a day that I'm ready to tape a sign to my belly that says:
    • I'm due January 5th.
    • Yes, it's my first baby.
    • It's a girl.
    • No, we haven't picked a name yet.
  • I'm extremely anxious and impatient at this point. I just want her to come and I want her to come now!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I am most thankful... be home with my family.

...for my wonderfully supportive husband and everything he does to take care of me.

...that my brother-in-law is home celebrating with us, safe on U.S. soil.

...for my job.

...for my sister, whose heart and thoughtfulness never cease to amaze me.

...for my parents, who give so much of themselves and would do anything for us.

...for my health.

...for the strong, encouraging women who will surround me at my baby shower on Saturday.

...and for their generosity, love and support.

...and mostly, for this precious little girl growing inside of me. For the opportunity to be her mom. For the opportunity to watch my best friend become a daddy. For the way she has already changed our lives and for how they will continue to change and grow with her.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Newport Wedding

At the end of October, my cousin got married in Newport, Rhode Island. I went to school in Rhode Island, and Newport is one of my favorite places, so I was excited to spend some time there with my family.

My cousin and his now wife had a sunset ceremony right on the pier, and it was absolutely beautiful, so now I'm just going to let the photos speak for themselves!

My sister's wicked cute shoes!

 My gorgeous sister!
 Hot apple cider in tiny little mugs that they passed
around right before the ceremony.

 Me, my hubby and our little girl :)

(Have I mentioned how much I love Lightroom?!)