This month was a month of firsts for you! You picked the first vegetables from our garden!
You wore your first ponytail!
You ate (and LOVED) your first dunk egg and your first piece of corn on the cob!
You also spent your first night away from Mama & Dada since you were born, so that we could go to a wedding in New Jersey. It broke Mama's heart to leave you, but you did great with Mimi & Pa, and Mama & Dada had a great time!
When we came home, you went on your first camping trip. Mama has been going camping in Lake George almost every since summer since she was born, and was so excited to bring you for the very first time!
While we were there, you ate your first s'more,
went to Magic Forest for the first time,
went on your first trolley ride,
went to your first fair,
rode on a horse drawn buggy for the first time,
and ate your first piece of fudge!
You were such a good girl while we were in Lake George. Bedtime was difficult in a new place and you were pretty sick with Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, but that didn't stop you! A little dip in the pool to lower your fever and you were happy again!
Despite all the fun we had, after a week away, you were happy to get home to see Dada again,
and to ride Pa's 4-wheeler, of course!
I love you to the moon and back, sweetheart!