Tuesday, September 20, 2011


When I'm not chasing around after my sweet little stair and coffee table climbing cutie, my photography takes up most of my time. I'm not a professional and I don't plan to be, but I'm constantly trying to learn and improve my techniques. I've had a lot of people tell me recently that I should start a business, but I don't think they understand the amount of work being a professional photographer entails. I think I'm pretty good at it and it's fun! Not to mention the awesome images I get of my friends and family! But right now, being a mommy is my full time job.

Anyway, I've had a photography blog for awhile now, but much like this blog, I wasn't very good at keeping it updated. I just recently redesigned the whole blog and I am in love with how it looks! I am trying to post (or schedule posts) just about every day. The "Photos" link on this blog will take you there, or you can just go there directly http://blueeyedperspective.blogspot.com, but please take a look around and follow it if you want. Some time in the near future, I may actually add some items to my etsy shop and put a link to it up on the photography blog as well. I even have some giveaways I'm working on!

I can't believe I just wrote an entire post that (almost) didn't mention Audrey! Can't let that happen, can we?! How about a photo? :)
Audrey giving Daddy kisses!
There! That's more like it! :)

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