Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Photo Adventures

It rained yesterday and it's pouring again this morning (figures on my 2 days off!), but despite that, we've actually had some really beautiful weather here lately! So of course, the hubby and I are taking advantage of it, getting outside and walking. I just love our walks! We always have the best conversations when we're walking together, and we're getting fresh air and exercise on top of that!

Sunday, we decided to take my camera with us on our walk. I think one of our problems as a society (myself included), is that we live life on fast forward. If you slow down, and take the time to look around you, you can find some pretty interesting things!

And boy did we find some interesting things on our walk turned photo adventure on Sunday!

We decided to walk in a different direction than we usually do and came across this fabulous couch out on the curb! Yes, it was filthy and quite warn, but come on, look at that color and pattern! It is so old and interesting! You could tell that the side was up against a wall or something because the color was much less faded and the fabric much less warn. I love the shape of the couch too - so classic!

Excited by our first find, we kept walking towards a more industrial area. This lone tree popped out at me against the brick building. I just love brick, especially when it's warn and weathered - it is so interesting and has so much character! Something about the fact that this tree didn't have any buds on it yet struck me too. So I snapped this shot and we kept walking.

I love the repetition of these two doors, and the shadow of the ladder in this shot. I hate how there's a large shadow from the truck that was parked next to it, but I couldn't go asking someone to move the truck so I could take a photo! lol

This was the next building past those two doors. I love the splashes of red in the painted windows, and I love the barbed wire protecting this old building.

As we moved from the industrial area into a more residential area, we even saw signs that spring has sprung!

I had fun on our little photo adventure and my hubby was really getting into it too! We saw a lot more fun, interesting things, but I think this post is getting long enough for today. I'm hoping to make this a more frequent adventure, but the hubby starts back to work next week, so we'll see if we actually make the time for it. You can certainly be sure that I'll share our cool finds when we do though!


Unknown said...

fun finds! :)

Sonya said...

how neat! what a great way to spend your walk. :)