I also think standard diaper bags are huge. I'm not going to want to lug that huge thing around. People are trying to convince me that I need a standard, huge, waterproof diaper bag. I'm not convinced.
I found this bag on Etsy that I really like. So my question for all you moms is: What do you honestly think in terms of it's functionality as a diaper bag? Is it big enough for the essentials? Is it a big deal that it's not waterproof?
I love it!! I think it would be big enough to use for little shopping trips or as a secondary bag (keep the big bag in the car but put a couple diapers, wipes and an outfit in this bag before you get out). Now that my boys are bigger and need less I use a large purse or bag similar to this instead of a diaper bag since I tend not to need as much.
For full day trips with an infant/young baby I would highly recommend something a little bigger or even a back pack. We used a back pack and I loved it!! While it wasn't as cute it was so much easier to tote a crying baby in my arms with the bag on my back instead of trying to keep it on my shoulder, and once they start toddling away from you its easier to chase wearing a backpack full of stuff than a shoulder bag. Also with a back pack hubbies are much more likely to be willing to carry the bag for extended periods of time.
I definitely think it's big enough. Ethan went all out and splurged on a Coach diaper bag as a surprise and it worked out really well because now I can use it as just a purse. I used that bag for a long time and then eventually switched to this bag: http://www.amazon.com/JJ-Cole-Pink-Cocoa-Logic/dp/B00134CAGE/ref=sr_1_132?ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1285289565&sr=1-132
It was so much easier to throw on the stroller and over my shoulder.
I say... pick what you like! It's all about what you want to be carrying around and you'll find a system that works for you.
I think that it is super cute! I would think that once the baby gets a bit older it will be big enough but when they are little they needs lots of stuff. (and if you are planning to cloth diaper, that is not going to hold very many diapers. Think you will have to carry both clean and dirty diapers.) NOW mind you I don't think that you would need to carry 4 yes I said 4 different bags like the lady I saw in the doctor's office last week. :) I had a bag with Lauren that I bought at Target. It looked like a purse and was black and not too much bigger than the one you have pictures. I found it to be a little small when Lauren was little and I needed to carry a cooler with breastmilk in it, bottles, blankets, diapers and extra clothes. This time around a wonderful friend of mine bought me a Coach diaper bag and I love it!! It is the leather kind and comes with an awesome changing table thing and has lots of pockets inside and out.
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