Saturday, July 11, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Katrina over at Sevin Family honored me with this Honest Scrap Award! Thanks, Katrina! I love my blog specifically because I can be totally, flat out honest and say whatever I'm thinking or feeling at that moment. Not only does it help me to write and get it out, but I now have awesome readers that turn my thoughts in dialogue and help me to think more and grow as a person.'s how it works:

First, tell your readers 10 things they may not know about you, but that have to be true!
Second, tag ten people with the award and third, let them know about the award.
Finally, make sure you link back to the person who awarded you.

I don't have time to tag other people before I head to work this morning, but if I read and comment on your blog, chances are I'd probably give you this award because...

1) ...I can't stand fake people.

Now on to other things you don't know about me...

2) I haven't taken a single photograph in 2 weeks! (ugh...this one makes me depressed.)

3) I've always dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom.

4) I played the flute from elementary school all the way through high school and I haven't once picked it up since the day I graduated.

5) Up until about 8th grade, I was a really fat kid. I mean really fat too...the pictures are almost unrecognizable even to me.

6) Our family always went camping every summer. They still do and I'm sad my hubby and I can't go this year because of work.

7) I was raised a Yankees fan and my husband is a Red Sox fan. Baseball games are interesting in our house. Obviously, we started dating during football season and by the time baseball season came around it was too late...

8) Related to #7...yes, I'm a New York Yankees fan. Yes, I live in the Boston area and yes, I still absolutely love this city!

9) My very talented BFF is currently working on a business card for me! :) Coming soon (if I can get my act together!) will be a photography blog and etsy shop!

10) If I don't stop blogging right now, I'm going to be late for work!

Have a great Saturday everyone! :)


Katrina said...

I'm glad you joined in!! I also played the flute-- although I was never really great at it.

Anonymous said...

I love this award deal.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Well, shoot! I am the fakest person around, so now what?
I need to see some kid pics of you now!!