Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's been awhile since I participated in Not Me! Monday, but I'm trying to get back to blogging more regularly so I'm going to give it a go this week! The rules are the same and you know how it works, so let's just get right to it!

I have not eaten one or two kinds of dessert every day since I started my new job 2 weeks ago. Nope, not me! Even if it is part of my job to know what everything tastes like, I would totally just take sample size bites of everything instead of eating the whole thing. I have much too much will power to give in to all the sugary, buttery goodness!

I have not seriously neglected my camera, my blog and my photography lessons since going back to work either. Nope, I'm a pro at balancing things in my life and have no problem making time for the things I love!

And I'm definitely not waiting by the front door for my editing software to get here. I'm not completely going crazy knowing that there's close to 600 photos of my good friend's wedding on my laptop, just waiting to be edited! Nope, not me!

That was not the most pathetic Not Me! Monday I've ever written, but hey, at least I'm trying to get back in the swing of things, right?! Head on over to MckMama's blog to read the much funnier and more creative things she and everyone else have not been up to this week!


Anonymous said...

Where do you work that you can eat samples as part of your job. I want to work there!

Sonya said...

I would gain so much weight if I had your job!!

Drahdrah said...

That wasn't pathetic at all (of course I haven't read your previous NNM posts). I can relate, except about having to eat dessert for a JOB. Where can I apply? Happy NNM!

Jennifer said...

Baby steps, girl. Baby steps!! And by the way - send some of those desserts my way! I'm in need of a chocolate fix!

~ Jennifer

Deborah said...

I agree it wasn't pathetic at all. You look like you could handle the desserts. I on the other hand gave up bread weeks ago and haven't lost a pound--okay maybe I'm lying, I'm afraid to check my scale but I don't feel thinner!

I love the name of your blog. Totally agree, all those chicken germs in your sink--yuck. I'm a meat germaphobe, of course if you saw my house you'd know that it's my only germaphobe issue!

Paging Doctor Mommy said...

I wish I could eat dessert like that!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Hey, I am glad someone is out there testing for us! SHow pics of these desserts!!

Katrina said...

I nominated you for an Honest Scrap award! If you would like to participate you can check out my blog :)