Well, we're back to reality. We had a wonderful but very busy few days in our hometown. I was enjoying myself and the company of family and friends so much, that I didn't take one photo the whole time I was home, so you'll have to settle for a brief description.
- I ate WAY TOO MUCH good food on Thanksgiving.
- Despite the throngs of people, I got most of my Christmas shopping done on Friday.
- Saturday, we had a blast and danced up a storm at the second wedding reception for our friends John and Katie. It was really nice to see a bunch of our friends and be able to celebrate with them because we couldn't make it to their wedding! :)
- And if that long day of shopping and all that dancing wasn't tiring enough, we helped my brother-in-law and his wife move from 10am to 8:30pm on Sunday, in the sleet and snow!
- And just as our luck would have it, yesterday was sunny and almost 60 degrees! Of course we wouldn't have that nice day to move them in! We slept in a little bit because both my hubby and I were pretty sore from the moving, but we went and picked out a Christmas tree before we drove back. We set it up last night, but I haven't taken any photos yet, so I will post those tonight. (Or maybe tomorrow, we'll have to see how tired I am.)
I'm back at work today and not so happy about it. But I only have a 4 day week so I should be grateful for that! Tonight, my sister and I have to finish assembling her wedding invitations so they can go out in the mail. Photos to follow soon! Happy Tuesday everyone :)
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