Wednesday, December 3, 2008

'Tis the season

Thanksgiving is over, so for me (and most people) that means getting out the Christmas decorations! Although I have to point out that the house next door to us has had their Christmas lights on their house since before Halloween! Anyway, I love decorating the Christmas tree. For me it isn't a Christmas tree unless it's a real tree too! Growing up we always had a real tree and there is no comparison to those weird artificial ones that people store in their attic. I love walking through the field to find just the right one. I love dragging it to the car and strapping it to the roof. I love walking into my house and having the smell of the tree meet me at the door.

We found a really nice tree at Whitney's Farm this year! They were all pre-cut so we didn't cut it down ourselves, but it was just the right height and perfectly symmetrical. My hubby thinks it's the best tree we've ever picked. I have to agree. Besides a very small hole that we oriented towards the wall, it's a near perfect tree.

Everyone has their own style when decorating their tree. Some people like white lights and some like colored. Some people like ornaments that all look the same, some like a random collection, and some even put bows. Personally, I like all white lights and lots of random ornaments, with a little silver tinsel put on last. Most people put their star or angel on the top last, but I like to put it on first. I like to start at the top and work my way down. Every year my hubby fights me about this, telling me that my way is wrong. But every year I put the star on first! :) As promised, here are some photos of our decorated tree and some of my favorite ornaments:

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