Thursday, February 5, 2009

Birthday love

The last few weeks have been crazy and wonderful all at the same time. Yesterday, the hubby and I finally drove back to our apartment and we are trying to get back to some sense of normalcy. If you remember, back on the day our 44th president was inaugurated, I had my 26th birthday! We didn't really do anything all that exciting on my birthday, but when I got to my parents' house the week before my sister's wedding, my family took me out for dinner and had gifts for me!

My parents and sister went in together on some camera equipment for me and I was so excited! Little miss spy got me some colored pens that I had always used at work and wrote me a cute little note that went along with them. (*Side Note* Colored pens may not seem exciting to you, but I happen to be a color coding fanatic, so this was very exciting to me!)

With all the excitement of the wedding, I had kind of forgotten about my gifts and was just as excited to come across them as I was unpacking yesterday as I was originally, so I snapped a picture of them!

Cool, hey!?

Oh, and did I forget to mention that I finally got to see little miss spy at my sister's wedding?!?! I cannot tell you how excited I was to see her! I think I was starting to go through withdrawal! Here she is with The Schwarz, looking oh so beautiful!

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